$5 Half Eagle

Half Eagles

Over the course of 19 years, 709,617 Half Eagles were minted in Carson City with a face value of $3,548,085.

1891 is the easiest year to obtain with the most coins minted; 1876 is the rarest of the series.

Carson City half eagles continue to be very popular with collectors and recent years have seen a resurgence and significant increase in popularity within the Carson City series. Unlike their larger counterparts, it is possible to complete the $5 Eagle series without spending nearly as much into the six figures per coin. In addition, there are plenty of affordable pieces to satisfy the frugal coin collector's budget.

Furthermore, the discovery of a few European hoards has helped to bring some nice CC half eagles into the marketplace.

As a result, Half eagles, as a rule, have become a much more collected denomination in the last few years. Half Eagles represent the perfect intersection and denomination between one/three dollar pieces and the larger ten/twenty dollar options. That leaves the $5 gold piece as a sweet spot for a number of new (and existing) collectors!

Yearly Mintage

Year Quantity
1870 7,675
1871 20,770
1872 16,980
1873 7,416
1874 21,198
1875 11,828
1876 6,887
1877 8,680
1878 9,054
1879 17,281
1880 51,017
1881 13,886
1882 82,817
1883 12,958
1884 16,402
1890 53,800
1891 208,000
1892 82,968
1893 60,000